Clinic Activity Flow

Here is the flow chart of activities in a clinic


Reception Side Activities

Patient Registration
Enter personnel details like name, age, contact details, address, date of birth etc. of your patients and you can access it every time the patient comes to visit you. Knowing your patient better creates a strong Doctor Patient bond and help you serve them better and also help You in building your practice.

Fix Appointments
Efficient management of Patient Appointments, Rescheduling, Monitoring patient visits, executions of schedules etc will make You a Smart Doctor. Having Your schedule at your fingertips give your patients the joy of zero waiting time. You can also Get SMS of the day’s appointments well in advance in you mobile.

Record Vitals and Chief Complaint
By Understanding and Knowing the purpose of your Patient’s visit by recording the vitals and chief complaint will make You take better Treatment decisions for Your Patient and helps in faster recovery. These parameters can be entered at the reception area and thus You can save Your precious Consulting Time.

Chair Side Activities

Enter consultation / Diagnosis Details
Apart from vitals and chief complaints you can also enter symptoms, observations as well as diagnosis on to the system and you can also access the Patients previous and present history and have Your Treatment delivered more efficiently.

Enter Treatment Plans
Once you browse through the Vitals, Diagnosis Your proposed Treatment Plan will be very efficient and you can also give an estimate to the patient if your patient wants so.

Write Prescriptions
Write prescriptions and push it to the pharmacy so that by the time the patient reaches Pharmacy; the medicines are ready to be dispensed.

Save/retrieve Records
Past records of patients can be retrieved for reference and new records like treatment plans, prescriptions, x-rays etc can be added easily.

Transaction Side Activities

Quick Invoicing- it’s flexible too

As all the Treatment and Prescription rates can be pre-entered in to the system invoicing becomes fast and easy. PappyJoe system can accept advance/part payments and the received payments can also be refunded or converted as credit notes.

Consolidated bills can also be prepared so that you can evaluate the day’s performance. Expense statements can also be prepared so that you have a strong grip of your Clinic’s cash outflow.

With PappyJoe; billing is as easy as it can get.



Keeping in touch with your Patients is what is going to make you stand apart in their minds. A Doctor who reminds them about their appointments, who e-mails them, send them birthday/marriage anniversary e-cards will surely keep the Patient Doctor Connect STRONG and helps in Life long association.

SMS’s, e-mails, mobile applications…all have been incorporated  in PappyJoe Software.. so that Doctor can build a healthy relationship with Patients.