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General Queries

What is practice management software?

It is a set of computer programs which help to synchronize activities of the clinic and make practice of the clinic more easier and cost effective

How is Pappyjoe different from other softwares ?

PAPPYJOE is the premier dental practice management system with features and benefits to enhance the daily activities of your dental clinic. PAPPYJOE provides services and features that would revolutionize your dental practice. Patient information, treatment procedures, Diagnosis , scheduling appointments, SMS facility, Bar-coded privilege cards, various reports like income and expense etc are just to name a few among them. PAPPYJOE serves you better than any other dental software. Hence makes your practice Easier and Simpler. PAPPYJOE helps you to service your patients with the most modern and high-tech dental software in the world.

Which operating system Pappyjoe supported on ?

Pappyjoe supports Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Does Pappyjoe work in network ?

Yes, PAPPYJOE works on a single computer or on a multiple workstations (Local Area Network). when used in LAN, just assign any one computer in the LAN as the server where the database will reside. There is no extra charge for use on multiple workstations by multiple users.

Is Pappyjoe reliable and secure ?

Pappyjoe uses MS Access database. This is a stable and powerful database that is running on millions of computers worldwide. Your data is very secured, reliable, and fully accessible. Pappyjoe also has got separate versions which views MySQL as the database.

How much software package costs ?

Email to us [email protected]

Navigation Queries

How to change the name of clinic on the desktop of PAPPYJOE ?

Go to configurations menu >> clinic configurations >> change the clinic name >> click save button.

Photo / X-Ray comparison

Go to Photographs X-Rays >> select patient name >> select photo Type >> click on Add New button >> select the photo/X-Ray >> click Add button >> select the before photo from combo box >> click on Add New button >> select the after photo >> click Add button >> select Comparison tab >> select photo category >> click Show button.

How to add new Diagnosis / treatment ?

Go to master menu >> Diagnosis/treatment >> click Add button >> write the Diagnosis/treatment name >> click save button.

How to add new products ?

Go to master menu >> Inventory Products >> click new button >> write the product name >> give product description >>click save button.

How to add new drug taking frequency ?

Go to Master-Frequency >> click Add New >> Add the Frequency >> click Add.

How to add new supplier ?

Go to Master >> Inventory >> Supplier >> click new button >> Add supplier details >> click save button.

How can I add Account Head

Click on Masters >> Account Head >> Add New >> Add

How can I add Patient Video

Click on Patients >> Video >> Select Patient >>Add New >>Add

Why treatment amount is not there in Account names ?

Treatment amount will be automatically added to the income.

Why bill number is not changing with new entry ?

Bill number won’t change until you print the bill.

How to view the future appointments of a patient

Click on patient icon >> double click on patient name from the patient table

How to convert permanent tooth to Deciduous tooth in case of patients older than 8 years

Select the tooth >> right click on tooth which you want to convert as deciduous >> convert to deciduous

How to add new expenses?

First you have to create new account header for the new expense, for that go to master >> account header >> click add new >> type the name >> click add. Then go to income and expense >> select the account name >> write the amount >> save.

Technical Queries

Message showing '2147467259 operations must be use an updateable query'

Check your network connection and share option of your database.

Message showing (“HASP HL KEY not found”)

Check your network connection and share option of your database.

Database not found (in client System)

Network Sharing is not properly done, share the folders ReportsPM, DatabasePM, and patient in server system. To solve this problem,you need to follow some steps given below (a)Right click on the Application Icon >> Properties >> Open File Location >> Select the folder you want to share >> Right Click on that folder >> Click on Sharing tab >> Click on Advanced Sharing >> Add >> Enter Share name >> Select user limit as maximum allowed (Radio Button) >> Ok Click On Permissions >> Add >> enter ‘Everyone’ in Object name text box >> Ok Tick ‘Full Control’ in permission field >> Ok b)Click on Security Tab >> Edit Select ‘Everyone’ from the list >> Add >> OK Follow all these steps to these folders separately :PatientPM, DatabasePM, ReportsPM.

Message showing “already an appointment fixed on the selected time slot” when there is no appointment fixed on that time slot.

While fixing the appointment you have to select the patient name from the patient drop down list, rather than typing the name of the patient in to the patient name text box.

Message showing 'OCX Missing'

Install library files (insert the PM cd install library files from the folder ‘additional Files’).

Client is not working

Network Sharing is not properly done. Check your network connection and share option of your database in the server. If it is not connected, you need to follow some steps given below (Right click on the Application Icon >> Properties >> Open File Location >> Select the folder you want to share >> Right Click on that folder >> Click on Sharing tab >> Click on Advanced Sharing >> Add >> Enter Share name >> Select user limit as maximum allowed (Radio Button) >> Ok Click On Permissions >> Add >> enter ‘Everyone’ in Object name text box >> Ok >> Tick ‘Full Control’ in permission field >> Ok Click on Security Tab >> Edit >> Select ‘Everyone’ from the list >> Add >> OK ( Follow all these steps to these folders separately :PatientPM, DatabasePM, ReportsPM.)

While opening All in One & Sheduler window, message shows ‘Invalid Use of Null’

Contact us to correct the error.

Broadband Address in use

Contact us to replace the latest executable file.

Type mismatch in Scheduler window

Change the system short date to to M/d/yyyy and dddd and long date format to MMM, dd, yyyy

Type Mismatch in Appointment Report

Change the system short date to M/d/yyyy and dddd and long date format to MMM, dd, yyyy

Type mismatch in ‘Patient Management’ window

Tooth number will be missing.

Reason for System Slow

Remove temporary files from your system.

Runtime Bugs & Fixes

Runtime Bug 35 usually comes with a message that says, “sub or function not defined”. But what does this really mean?

Reason: This problem stems out from a single or several issues. One of them is that your operating system might be outdated. Another is that your computer might be infected by a virus. Next, you might have missing or damaged files due to a virus infection. Solution: Solving or preventing this issue is easy. All you have to do is keep your system updated. Then, install an antivirus program to eliminate the threat and avoid it from ever infecting your PC again. Lastly, put a registry cure software on your computer to help you bring back the critical data in your system which were corrupted or have gone missing.

You may receive the "Runtime Bug '53': file not found" error message when exported DLL functions

Reason: Runtime Bug 53 is critical windows error and occurs when system is unable to load specific dll files. There are various reasons which can prevent the OS from accessing dll files. Solution: To resolve this problem, move your DLL files from the folder ‘additional files’ to the System32 folder. (My Computer >> C >> WINDOWS >> System32)

Runtime Bug 70 usually comes with a message that says, “Permission Denied”. what does this really mean?

Reason: The Run-Time or Runtime Bug 70 – ‘Permission Denied’ is a computer error message, usually result of incorrect security permission when attempting to access a server from a remote application. The error my also occur when a copied file does not have proper rights because it’s currently being used. Solution: Clear the Enable Authorization Checking option for the component. To do this, open the MTS Explorer and then open the Properties window for the component. Next, in the Security tab, clear the Enable Authorization Checking option.

Runtime Bug 75 usually comes with a message that says, “Path/file access error”. what does this really mean?

Reason: Runtime Bug 75 – ‘Path/File Access Error’ is a Windows error that occurs when a program does not have rights to access a network file, when a directory is modified with the same value as file in the directory Solution: You can resolve this issue by using one of the following methods: *Change the access permission on your shared resource from read-only to full control. ( Right click on the Application Icon >> Properties >> Open File Location >> Select the folder you want to share >> Right Click on that folder >> Click on Sharing tab >> Click on Advanced Sharing >> Add >> Enter Share name >> Select user limit as maximum allowed >> Ok Click On Permissions >> Add >> enter ‘Everyone’ in Object name text box >> Ok >> Tick ‘Full Control’ in permission field >> Ok )

Runtime Bug 112

Reason: Most of the Windows users experience Installation error 112 while installing any applications or programs. It occurs due to missing entries in registry or use of outdated drivers. Solution: You need to make sure if the Runtime Bug 112 occur after you install the new programs on your Windows operating system. In order to repair this error, you can use the Windows Task Manager to end all programs and then restart your computer.

Runtime Bug 429 message saying “ActiveX component can’t create object” when trying to launch a program or installing an application.

Reason: The reason causing windows Runtime Bug when the program looks for its required components such as custom DLL/OCX but they have been erased from the system. Because of this, some programs or even the total computer will not run correctly as before. But what its causes the Runtime Bug 429 and how can you fix it immediately? Solution: Sometimes, the Runtime Bug 429 could be a fluke and should be fixed instantly after a system restart. So when you get this error message appearing your screen in launching some applications, directly restart the computer and the annoying error message will disappear. Secondly, the Runtime Bug 429 might be caused when your hard drive is failing or has failed or by some other errors on your hard disk. This way, the system or the computer will fail to read the required files properly. So, the second step you should do to fix the Runtime Bug 429 is to make sure there is no error existing in your hard disk. To perform the disk error checking, you can simply perform the below steps: * Double-click My Computer, and then right-click the disk that you want to check. * Click Properties, and then Tools. * Under Error-checking, click Check Now. Then a dialog box with the Check disk options will display. * Then, you can use one of the following procedures to fix the hard disk errors: To run Chkdsk (short for “check disk” is a command on computers running DOS, and Microsoft Windows operating systems that displays the file system integrity status of hard disks and floppy disk and can fix logical file system errors) in read-only mode, directly click Start. To repair errors without scanning the volume for bad sectors, select the “Automatically fix file system errors” and then hit Start to continue. Select the “Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors” check box if you want to repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information, and then click Start.

What is Runtime Bug 408?

Reason: This error usually occurs when a DLL file is missing, or not registered on your computer. It is a really common problem for windows users which crashes now and then. Solution: it is the most important step for you to fix Runtime Bug 408 and avoid other Runtime Bugs effectively. There are various registry repair tools available on the Internet that scan, analyze, and fix your computer. Besides fixing your Runtime Bug 408, these tools will remove any registry errors, invalid shortcuts, duplicate files and repair DLL files. Eventually, you computer will be free from system error messages and sluggish performance. What you need to do is to fix Runtime Bug 408 as well as other registry errors to prevent your registry from total corruption. If you continue to run this damaged system and don’t fix Run-time Error, this potential risk will bring you more troubles, Even system crash.

Runtime Bug 740 usually comes with a message that says, “The Requested operation requires elevation”. But what does this really mean?

Reason: The UAC (User Account Control) of Windows will be corrupted / damaged. This is what Vista & Windows 7 use to help make Windows run with all the administrator options that are required to run, and is continually causing a huge number of errors that will prevent the application from loading up. Solution: To solve the Windows 7 error 740, simply right click on the application icon and select properties >> Compatibility >> Run this program as an Administrator.


How to change the password ?

Go to Master menu >> Users >> Write user name, user type, type old, new password and confirm password >> click save button.

If I forgot the password, how can I recover that ?

Contact us to recover the password.

How can I give rights to particular users ?

Click on Configurations >> Access Right >> select users >> Set Rights to particular users >> Click on Save. (administrator have all the rights to change access permissions to particular users.)

How can I change username and Password for particular users ?

Click on Masters >> Users >> Create new username and password >> Click on Save

How to Back Up and restore Files

Back Up: Click on Configurations >> Back Up Disk >> Select a path for Back Up >> Click on BackUp Button) Restore: Click on Configurations Back Up Disk Select a path for Restore Click on Restore Button

How can I hide treatment charges when a particular user logins

Contact us to replace the latest executable file

How can I do data migration?

Send us the data in the form of excel or access which you want to migrate or else give us the permission to access your database.

SMS Related Queries

How can I activate sms ?

Contact us to activate sms. you need to register the activation.

How can I add sender id ?

Contact us to add the sender id.

Do sms chargable or not ?

First 250 sms are free. then you have to pay for each sms.

How can I get sms balance and sms reports

A) SMS Balance: Click on Configuration >> SMS Balance B) SMS Report: Click on Configuration >> SMS Report

Automated sms not working

First you need to check sms configuration, whether automated sms are activated or not. (Click on Configurations >> Automated SMS configurations >> check whether sms are activated or not, if it is activated you can see a tick on that check box and if it is not activated, please contact Us)

Automated SMS not gone to DND activated Numbers

Contact Us to activate Automated SMS to DND activated numbers.